Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Prince Maker Braveness

Meh. I was so lazy to make a walkthrough for this one to get the real ending but I guess I just have to keep a memo for myself for this.
And I don't think I will ever need to re-upload this game for everyone since this is available to download if you just go and google it.
Anyways, this games is a doujin made game based from Princess Maker and I spent at least 2 and a half days trying to find out what is the real route of the game. Well, you raise some kid and you can actually marry the kid you raise. I was like, I can marry my own son? X'DD
Well, since I am a frigging shotacon I was like, why not right? But in the end I let him go to his own path, marry some other. Well, it's fine I don't plan on playing such looooooooooooooong game just to get all endings, I do that but this needs stats and all, and I am not a Fujoshi so I won't go for Ares or Dean's route. I like the princess though (haha) but I don't like my child to end up with Twilight, I'd rather have him myself,. but I think it would be better if he ended up with the princess <3 They suit each other, so cute couple. But I was not in the right state that time since I really want to end and finish the game already (since I was playing for 2 days straight already).
I am just going to elaborate what I did for this game but this is what I did..
Warning: Can be draggy~
The following will be notes for now, the events will come later. Also, these guide is not really accurate since I based it on my own memory haha.
I named the boy Skye since I like that name.

Tips and things to remember~!

  • First things first, there's a way to get more money in the game rather than working and working.There's a "cheat" in the game [Press R] so you could get money, get all the money since it will be useful for the following steps. Don't worry, it's not limited so you can get all the money you need.
  • Next, go out and go to the Dark Spirit Tools. Buy all items to raise your stats. At least buy more since you have all the money in the world because of that cheat. And then buy all you need in the shops. I think you have enough money to buy every little thing in on the town.
  • Use those items you have bought at the Dark Spirit Tools to raise Wisdom, Arts, Charm and Magic. Don't use the Royal Cookbook much because it causes overweight and there's another way to raise Dexterity without using too much of it. Just keep some of those items you used, in case some stats go lower. They must all be at 999, you can just keep it at 800 but 999 is the safest because they go lower in trainings. If ever you ran out of those items, go back to the Dark Spirit Tools and buy at least 10 of each, you'll need them. It won't cause time so it's okay to go back again and again. My personal problem for this one is it the tool for art is not appearing in my inventory so I can't raise Arts. I just have to make him attend Art Classes instead and work in the Arts Shop.
  • If ever the Wandering Merchant comes by, buy all items and buy more of them and raise your stats. 
  • If ever you used too much of the Royal Cookbook to raise Dexterity, adjust the diet and have him exercise until his weight returns to normal. Going on Vacation is a much more effective way of losing weight and since you have the money, you can just have him go a lot of  vacation.
  • If you are aiming for romance with the boy you are raising, your personal info should be compatible and in his birthday, you should give him a rose. And if ever you go to wish at the forest, pick "sister".I don't know how those talking with him gently affects your relationship, but I guess it's better if you go and talk with him all the time. That's what I did.
  • If ever you went to a journey and had "sin" make sure to have it removed since you might get in prison, your reputation will go lower.  I don't go for this one so I have everything I need bought from the merchant. I guess you will be needing this for Hell Valley.
  • Also, have your child visit the Human Realm, Demon Realm and Deity Realm. You can see the reputation status change if ever it raises so keep on doing it. There are some characters you can visit but will not entertain you if you have yet to raise some stats so just save through it before visiting if you want to just go explore.
  • I suggest raising stats first for now, so that you can swoop the game in one go. Also take all jobs so you could unlock everything. In this way you can explore the game as well. 
  • IMPORTANT! Remember to visit the realms frequently, chat with him, and raise your money by activating the cheat at all times.Also remember to SAVE.
  • Win the contests for reputations, I'll give the correct answers in this further on for the quizzes . But for the other contests, if you raise you stats enough you would win.
Alfa Clothes
  • NOTE! There is a Wandering Artisan somewhere in the game and you can only meet her during Family Picnics, she only sells at least two types of clothing as far I am concern. They are the Fantasy Clothes and the Alfa Clothes.
I think I kinda like the Alfa Clothes, it surprised me actually since this is a Fantasy Novel so they added something modern in the game. It feels somehow refreshing since most clothes are like for the royalty or old tradition for some fantasy game like this and all..
Fantasy Clothes
As for the other clothing which is the Fantasy Clothes... this one is really a surprise... since the Clothes are indeed a Fantasy.. Literally, since my boy is naked haha! What in the world X'DDD
But it's fine, though why is he only showing his sexy back? X'D
But if it's about personal favorites and all in the game, I don't really have an extreme fondness in the two rare items.. what I adored the most is the cosplay clothes that can be bought from the store.. You know why? Because my boy is crossdressing ;A;.. Mother.. mother is so happy an proud Wah wah wah.
So I salute Alfa Games for making him crossdress.. You just made my day!!!

Route Events: (True End-Emperor of the 3 Realms)

Some of them might take a while to get activated. And I can say that it might not be accurate but it works out for me.
  • Family Picnic - Deity Realm - Meet the Blue Haired Man
  • Family Picnic - Human Realm - Meet Dean
  • Family Picnic - Human Realm - Meet Ares
  • Family Picnic - Human Realm - Meet the Blue Haired Man ("She's my sister") 
  • *I am not quite sure if you can see these events in any realm during Family Picnics because what I did is go to a Family Picnic in a month in all Realms and tried my luck.
  • I think after some time, Twilight will say something and you have to talk with the Head Priest.
  • Stroll - Deity Realm Library - Fourth Book will appear.
  • Stroll - Deity Realm - Ares House (Ares' Route) 
  • If you win the Beauty Pangeant and have meet Dean, he'll appear before you after the contest. This also applies with Ares.
  • Stroll - Celestial Village - Market - Ares
  • Free time until you unlock Lucifer, use this time to go to Adventure and get flags from those you will meet from it.
  • Stroll - Lia - Lucifer
  • Stroll - Lia - 
  • Stroll - Castille - Market - Ares (Ares Route)
  • Stroll - Castille - Street - Meet Dean
  • Stroll - Castille - Lante's House - Dean
  • Stroll - Medihan - Meet the Princess
  • Family Picnic - Deity Realm - Meet Rex
  • Stroll - Castille - Market - Dean (Dean's Route) 
Series of stroll coming through --
  • Medihan - Deity Queen (Year 1007)
  • Medihan - Deity King
  • Lia - Human Prince
  • Capital of the Three Realms - Rex
  • Capital of the Three Realms - Lilis

Questions: (Q&A Contest)

  • How many artist works on Braveness? 8
  • In Endless, who is Philip Oz? Human Prince
  • In Endless, who suggested the method for choosing the Emperor of the Three Realms? 
  • In Braveness, what is the race of the Emperor of the Three Realms? Demon 
  • What does the Human Head Priest manage? Politics
  • The story Braveness takes how many years after Endless? 50
  • In Braveness, what is the Relationship between  Lucifer and the Deity Guardian? Fraternal Side Uncle - Nephew


Tip: You must have at least bought all those weird stuff at the Dark Spirit Tools. You need them here.

1. Royal Training Field
  • Legendary Phantom Thief
  • Legendary Doctor
  • There's a guardian there where you need to beat and he'll tell a story about why he was there.
2. God's Forest
  • Dragon Skull - Flying Dragon (Dexterity and Attack)
  • Beauty Goddess - Beat her for Charisma and Ettiquette
  • Love Goddess - Wish for Love - Pay 200G
3. Waiting Hill 
  • Sirra - Just say some route-ful stuff
  • Dream Demon - Yeah he just said that Sirra and him are friends with your pop~
4.Infinity Hill 
  • Assasin Boss - I dun know he wun fight he's injured he said.
  • Luna's Earring - Moon God (Charisma Dexterity)
  • Soul Queen - Beat her and get the Sword of Mars
5. Cleansing Land
  • Water Dragon - Pay 200G to predict
  • Fire Guardian - Pay 200G to predict
  • Dream Goddess - Task: Get Earring Demon Realm
  • Warrior God - Beat him get Godly Weapon
6. Hell Valley
  • Vulcan Pheonix - Obtain Pheonix from your parents.
  • Runaway Criminal - beat him you get the Goddess Earring (return it to her- Wisdom and 500G)

So I guess, that's it? If there are some clarifications or questions or any additional information, I am willing to listen. I actually don't really play all routes so I think someone might make a walkthrough for the routes.. I saw one, I can't understand and I gave up so I figure things on my own.
I don't want to make another walkthrough, I feel tired for writing all that and taking screenshots from all my savepoints ;A;
I should eat cake to reward myself ='D
Well, what can I say to the game? I like the  game I think, since I can see eye candies but I am not a Fujoshi so I might make my boy pursue the princess if I want to replay it again.. but what can you say? I think I wanted to pursue the boy for my own selfish desires X'D
Nah, just kidding, I'll play it again though if I ever get bored again.
But I honestly won't be able to finish this if without that cheat.. the game itself is hard enough with it, so it makes it harder if you don't have it.. I started playing this two times without it and I don't really know what to say.. I mean I got 3 endings and, I got bankrupt on the third one. It's not a nice ending (haha)


  1. thanks this help a lat ^_^

  2. Anyone know how to get the caretaker end?
    not the maid one but the player & your brother?(B x B)

    1. You should avoid the true ending in order to achieve that. And I was playing as a girl so mine is GxB

      And that's all I can say since I didn't really pursue that ending </3

  3. Thanks for the walktrough^^
    Hmm..but do you know how to get the demon girl ending (katherina)? ;_;) I just met her in dark street once

    1. You can meet Katherina again in Legacy Land.

  4. No matter what I do, even though my younger brother's 15 already, I just can't meet lucifer in Lia when strolling. Help pls

    1. Did twilight mentioned you should meet him?
      If she did, all you have to do is go to Lia. He'll appear there if you have his visit button unlock.

  5. What do you mean by "go to certain adventures until you unlock lucifer thing and collect flags from them"? I mean adventure where and how do you earn those stuff you called "flags"?

    1. Sorry it wasn't clear. By what I meant, you won't be able to meet him any time soon so if you'll have free time to do adventures and visit people to gather flags. By what I mean flags, raise your points to the villagers and characters to become popular and to increase fame.

  6. You are a big help. Thanks!!

  7. where do i find the affection points?

  8. I just want to add something if you don't mind...
    Wondering Artisan is selling Artisan Robe too (types of Clothing).. I found her when i'm doing family picnic in deity realm in Year 1007, Month 10, Day 31 :)

    1. *EDIT TYPO : It's Angel Robe... NOT Artisan Robe.. I type it wrong.. xD


Yummy Cupcake