Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Prince Maker Braveness

Meh. I was so lazy to make a walkthrough for this one to get the real ending but I guess I just have to keep a memo for myself for this.
And I don't think I will ever need to re-upload this game for everyone since this is available to download if you just go and google it.
Anyways, this games is a doujin made game based from Princess Maker and I spent at least 2 and a half days trying to find out what is the real route of the game. Well, you raise some kid and you can actually marry the kid you raise. I was like, I can marry my own son? X'DD
Well, since I am a frigging shotacon I was like, why not right? But in the end I let him go to his own path, marry some other. Well, it's fine I don't plan on playing such looooooooooooooong game just to get all endings, I do that but this needs stats and all, and I am not a Fujoshi so I won't go for Ares or Dean's route. I like the princess though (haha) but I don't like my child to end up with Twilight, I'd rather have him myself,. but I think it would be better if he ended up with the princess <3 They suit each other, so cute couple. But I was not in the right state that time since I really want to end and finish the game already (since I was playing for 2 days straight already).
I am just going to elaborate what I did for this game but this is what I did..
Warning: Can be draggy~
The following will be notes for now, the events will come later. Also, these guide is not really accurate since I based it on my own memory haha.
I named the boy Skye since I like that name.

Tips and things to remember~!

  • First things first, there's a way to get more money in the game rather than working and working.There's a "cheat" in the game [Press R] so you could get money, get all the money since it will be useful for the following steps. Don't worry, it's not limited so you can get all the money you need.
  • Next, go out and go to the Dark Spirit Tools. Buy all items to raise your stats. At least buy more since you have all the money in the world because of that cheat. And then buy all you need in the shops. I think you have enough money to buy every little thing in on the town.
  • Use those items you have bought at the Dark Spirit Tools to raise Wisdom, Arts, Charm and Magic. Don't use the Royal Cookbook much because it causes overweight and there's another way to raise Dexterity without using too much of it. Just keep some of those items you used, in case some stats go lower. They must all be at 999, you can just keep it at 800 but 999 is the safest because they go lower in trainings. If ever you ran out of those items, go back to the Dark Spirit Tools and buy at least 10 of each, you'll need them. It won't cause time so it's okay to go back again and again. My personal problem for this one is it the tool for art is not appearing in my inventory so I can't raise Arts. I just have to make him attend Art Classes instead and work in the Arts Shop.
  • If ever the Wandering Merchant comes by, buy all items and buy more of them and raise your stats. 
  • If ever you used too much of the Royal Cookbook to raise Dexterity, adjust the diet and have him exercise until his weight returns to normal. Going on Vacation is a much more effective way of losing weight and since you have the money, you can just have him go a lot of  vacation.
  • If you are aiming for romance with the boy you are raising, your personal info should be compatible and in his birthday, you should give him a rose. And if ever you go to wish at the forest, pick "sister".I don't know how those talking with him gently affects your relationship, but I guess it's better if you go and talk with him all the time. That's what I did.
  • If ever you went to a journey and had "sin" make sure to have it removed since you might get in prison, your reputation will go lower.  I don't go for this one so I have everything I need bought from the merchant. I guess you will be needing this for Hell Valley.
  • Also, have your child visit the Human Realm, Demon Realm and Deity Realm. You can see the reputation status change if ever it raises so keep on doing it. There are some characters you can visit but will not entertain you if you have yet to raise some stats so just save through it before visiting if you want to just go explore.
  • I suggest raising stats first for now, so that you can swoop the game in one go. Also take all jobs so you could unlock everything. In this way you can explore the game as well. 
  • IMPORTANT! Remember to visit the realms frequently, chat with him, and raise your money by activating the cheat at all times.Also remember to SAVE.
  • Win the contests for reputations, I'll give the correct answers in this further on for the quizzes . But for the other contests, if you raise you stats enough you would win.
Alfa Clothes
  • NOTE! There is a Wandering Artisan somewhere in the game and you can only meet her during Family Picnics, she only sells at least two types of clothing as far I am concern. They are the Fantasy Clothes and the Alfa Clothes.
I think I kinda like the Alfa Clothes, it surprised me actually since this is a Fantasy Novel so they added something modern in the game. It feels somehow refreshing since most clothes are like for the royalty or old tradition for some fantasy game like this and all..
Fantasy Clothes
As for the other clothing which is the Fantasy Clothes... this one is really a surprise... since the Clothes are indeed a Fantasy.. Literally, since my boy is naked haha! What in the world X'DDD
But it's fine, though why is he only showing his sexy back? X'D
But if it's about personal favorites and all in the game, I don't really have an extreme fondness in the two rare items.. what I adored the most is the cosplay clothes that can be bought from the store.. You know why? Because my boy is crossdressing ;A;.. Mother.. mother is so happy an proud Wah wah wah.
So I salute Alfa Games for making him crossdress.. You just made my day!!!

Route Events: (True End-Emperor of the 3 Realms)

Some of them might take a while to get activated. And I can say that it might not be accurate but it works out for me.
  • Family Picnic - Deity Realm - Meet the Blue Haired Man
  • Family Picnic - Human Realm - Meet Dean
  • Family Picnic - Human Realm - Meet Ares
  • Family Picnic - Human Realm - Meet the Blue Haired Man ("She's my sister") 
  • *I am not quite sure if you can see these events in any realm during Family Picnics because what I did is go to a Family Picnic in a month in all Realms and tried my luck.
  • I think after some time, Twilight will say something and you have to talk with the Head Priest.
  • Stroll - Deity Realm Library - Fourth Book will appear.
  • Stroll - Deity Realm - Ares House (Ares' Route) 
  • If you win the Beauty Pangeant and have meet Dean, he'll appear before you after the contest. This also applies with Ares.
  • Stroll - Celestial Village - Market - Ares
  • Free time until you unlock Lucifer, use this time to go to Adventure and get flags from those you will meet from it.
  • Stroll - Lia - Lucifer
  • Stroll - Lia - 
  • Stroll - Castille - Market - Ares (Ares Route)
  • Stroll - Castille - Street - Meet Dean
  • Stroll - Castille - Lante's House - Dean
  • Stroll - Medihan - Meet the Princess
  • Family Picnic - Deity Realm - Meet Rex
  • Stroll - Castille - Market - Dean (Dean's Route) 
Series of stroll coming through --
  • Medihan - Deity Queen (Year 1007)
  • Medihan - Deity King
  • Lia - Human Prince
  • Capital of the Three Realms - Rex
  • Capital of the Three Realms - Lilis

Questions: (Q&A Contest)

  • How many artist works on Braveness? 8
  • In Endless, who is Philip Oz? Human Prince
  • In Endless, who suggested the method for choosing the Emperor of the Three Realms? 
  • In Braveness, what is the race of the Emperor of the Three Realms? Demon 
  • What does the Human Head Priest manage? Politics
  • The story Braveness takes how many years after Endless? 50
  • In Braveness, what is the Relationship between  Lucifer and the Deity Guardian? Fraternal Side Uncle - Nephew


Tip: You must have at least bought all those weird stuff at the Dark Spirit Tools. You need them here.

1. Royal Training Field
  • Legendary Phantom Thief
  • Legendary Doctor
  • There's a guardian there where you need to beat and he'll tell a story about why he was there.
2. God's Forest
  • Dragon Skull - Flying Dragon (Dexterity and Attack)
  • Beauty Goddess - Beat her for Charisma and Ettiquette
  • Love Goddess - Wish for Love - Pay 200G
3. Waiting Hill 
  • Sirra - Just say some route-ful stuff
  • Dream Demon - Yeah he just said that Sirra and him are friends with your pop~
4.Infinity Hill 
  • Assasin Boss - I dun know he wun fight he's injured he said.
  • Luna's Earring - Moon God (Charisma Dexterity)
  • Soul Queen - Beat her and get the Sword of Mars
5. Cleansing Land
  • Water Dragon - Pay 200G to predict
  • Fire Guardian - Pay 200G to predict
  • Dream Goddess - Task: Get Earring Demon Realm
  • Warrior God - Beat him get Godly Weapon
6. Hell Valley
  • Vulcan Pheonix - Obtain Pheonix from your parents.
  • Runaway Criminal - beat him you get the Goddess Earring (return it to her- Wisdom and 500G)

So I guess, that's it? If there are some clarifications or questions or any additional information, I am willing to listen. I actually don't really play all routes so I think someone might make a walkthrough for the routes.. I saw one, I can't understand and I gave up so I figure things on my own.
I don't want to make another walkthrough, I feel tired for writing all that and taking screenshots from all my savepoints ;A;
I should eat cake to reward myself ='D
Well, what can I say to the game? I like the  game I think, since I can see eye candies but I am not a Fujoshi so I might make my boy pursue the princess if I want to replay it again.. but what can you say? I think I wanted to pursue the boy for my own selfish desires X'D
Nah, just kidding, I'll play it again though if I ever get bored again.
But I honestly won't be able to finish this if without that cheat.. the game itself is hard enough with it, so it makes it harder if you don't have it.. I started playing this two times without it and I don't really know what to say.. I mean I got 3 endings and, I got bankrupt on the third one. It's not a nice ending (haha)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hakuouki: Demon of Fleeting Blossom

So here I am again, alive and kicking giving another review to another otome game I just played on my PSP. Hakouki: Demon of Fleeting Blossom. So here I go.
When I downloaded games for my PSP, I first played Hakouki because yeah, I like playing VN. Though when I saw it I was like, I want to take a break since it looks like a lot of drama and I was not wrong, it is a whole lot of drama inside, with me finishing all routes getting all CG's. I can't believe myself and my love for otome games. Anyways, this game is a little long so I have to spent a week to finish all routes you see, I even went to the "game over" endings and only one bad ending which is Okita's just to complete his CG.
At first I was like what in the world is the title Hakouki, I was done with almost all routes until I went through the main guy's route. I was like "OH YEAH! Why the hell didn't it come to me to go for the main guy if I was seeking for answers? I'm so stupid" is what I said that time. Anyways, I never changed the heroine's name Chizuru because I don't think my name "zhaie" will fit Yukimura (haha). 
Anyways, in all due respect I think I
enjoyed the game with some disappointment in my part in most routes end. I guess I'll tell you why. But the game is lovely, it tackles about the history of Japan in the time of Shinsengumi since Shinsengumi did exist before the time of Meiji Era so I really think that this is a way of Japan to introduce the history of Japan to otome gaming fans. Well, the art is good, I'll give them a perfect score for the art and for the bishies in the game since all bishies are eye-candies. But I certainly don't know what I should feel with the heroine since she's all being protected and such and she's so lucky to have her harem. I mean she has a katana but she can't use it, like a display only. I don't know, I guess I am not a fan of heroines in otome games because they all can't do pretty much in the game, just like this one.
Also, the fact that I am missing Kaoru Nagumo in the game and Sen's appearance every now and then only even though both of them has a pretty big role in the story is bothering me. I was expecting them to appear in this situation but never appeared, like Kaoru can appear in Harada's route but only appeared in Okita's, I think Kaoru can also be inserted in Hijikata's route but he never did. It's a little disappointing. Also the fact that Sen's a minor role, she can actually be a big minor character if they just added a little story for her but they never did. But oh well, I think they just want to exclusive the story to each route so you can play all routes to get the story. That's how otome games work, anyway.

I first went to Okita's Route. He somehow got my attention because he appears and say nonsense stuff in every occasion and also, the fact that he teases the heroine to kill her every now and then. I was a little annoyed at him sometimes but I thought it was part of his personality until I fell in love with him (kyaaaah). Anyways, he's my favorite, I just hated the fact that he haz tuberculosis, I really hate TB now, that diseases shouldn't have existed. Because of Okita, I hated TB and cursed it until the end of the game. I was like so happy because he's so handsome when he became a fury and it looks like he was healed because of the water of life, but when Kazama appeared and said it wasn't a cure for his illness, I became very unhappy. I mean Okita is my beloved adored Souji Okita. Especially in western clothes *O* SUPER EYE CANDY!!! WAAAH HAHA
Anyways, enough of my fangirling over my favorite bishie in Hakuoki, you see, Nagumo is only exclusive to be interacted in his route. You can only meet him as your brother in his route because you only meet Kaoru when you are with Okita in the game. So even though Kaoru reminds me of SJun every time he appears, he can only be seen as a cute evil oniichan in the Okita's route. Though Kaoru is a little cruel in his ways, even though not mentioned in the game, I think he really cared for his sister when he made Okita drink the water of life to make him a fury since it seems that Okita is dying. When he made his sister drink it too, I think it is to make Kazama go for her sister since he really gave Chizuru a tip to help in Okita's bloodlust which is the right one. Though it doesn't change the fact that he had set up-ed for Okita to get shot and shortened his life, which made me hate him because of that. He's a sadist, it's adorable but it ruins the story *cries*.
Anyways, you should have Okita drink blood to lessen his "corruption", I was following a walkthrough for Okita back then since I am kinda unfamiliar with the game so I had to follow it, but it's a little wrong when it said to make him drink medicine, you should have Okita drink blood, but never drink his, it's disturbing when you two get bloodlust and he drinks your blood while you're drinking his. Also, this leads to the bad end so never drink his blood when you had bloodlust in the game.
Overall in the ending, you get reunited with your family, only to kill your brother and father but found a way to cure bloodlust but then you are still furies with Okita still has TB and short life span. It's a little disappointing since you won't last long. They really have no intention to let girls dream.

Next, I went to the ever so sexy Saito Hajime. He's the shortest but no doubt one of the most talented swordsman in the group. And he's the sexiest in the game for me because of his hair, I feel like it pierced through my heart like he's into some wet look or something X'D
He's skilled and all but he's like a dog who just followed whatever he the higher ones ordered him to do so. It's a little sad that he can't decide for himself. He is also a character that doesn't speak much and he yields too much especially when he kept being awake in the morning despite he's a fury and it is not good for him. But I find him cute when he blushed (haha). I think I only saw him twice blushing in the game one when he finished taking blood from Chizuru and second in the end when Harada was teasing him. Also, I think he developed friendship with Amagiri in the game (haha). Since he's really skilled and for some reason Amagiri seems to acknowledge that. He also looked handsome when he became a fury but you know as far I am concerned it lessens your life so sooner or later he'll turn to ashes. It doesn't feel right. He doesn't look any different when he wore his western clothes, he's still sexy~
One thing by the way, you must feed him blood as well. This is applicable to all routes, please feed all bishie blood~ Or you will get a bad ending. It's fine just think they are vampires or something.
In his usual clothes, I honestly thought he's a Shinigami in some Division in Soul Society (haha).
So in the end of his route, Saito became a farmer. What a handsome farmer he is. And yeah since he used too much power of being a fury. But I think Amagiri told him how to cure bloodlust and that is the water used by Kodou, the heroine's father. In his route, Kodou is the Antagonist and the final boss is Kazama. Though his life is still a short one so it's not that dreamy. ;A; Okita died and Hijikata died. Hesuke died as well, only Harada lived in his route.

Next is I went to Hesuke's. I think it's because I find him cute when I saw him in Hajime's route. It's funny because I didn't notice it was him since his face changed too much when cut his hair short. I won't say much but he's the most immature character in the game X'D But it's fine, I guess he's also the weakest (sorry) in all obtainable characters. The antagonist in his route is Sanan which I think is pretty reasonable since I know he's not a par with Kazama. He died once you know so the authors can't afford to have him killed again (haha). Well, in the end, you learn how to suppress bloodthirst and please do feed him blood because that's just how we do it in this game. Then the two of you live in the countryside with his life indefinite, you don't know when his time runs out. It's still not dreamy when you think that way so I'd rather think that all of them lived.

Okay, let's move on with Harada Sannousuke. The playboy, I mean one of te most popular guys in the red light districts (haha). I am so happy with his route because he is the only one who didn't became a fury (yay!) and lives with you all along. Harada is also probably the most level headed in the game and somehow the most mature. The only conflict of Harada and the heroine is that Chizuru, the heroine, is worried of her being a demon and Harada being human. That is oh so cliche.. but it's fine his route is probably the most normal of all routes. Since Harada lives with you in the end and you had a son. And his route is dreamy~
It's probably nice since if ever Harada even becomes a fury in the game I'll probably go insane on why all characters meet so much tragedy, I hate this. Good thing, the authors, made Harada's character for a change. In his route, also, you will worry about the notice board which is Kaoru's doing but he was never seen in the game again after you entered his route. It's quite disappointing. But I guess it's fine since Harada's route probably gave some light in game because it's too dark after some routes I've went through.

Okay then, the last of all obtainable Shinsegumi characters and I guess the main guy. I don't know if I saved him for last or maybe because I'm too much of his fan but I think that's fine. Hijikata's route was probably the longest one in the game. You can really see what happened to Shinsegumi and why they had lead to a dilemma. Being betrayed and all left behind. You can also see a new character in his route, well, the fact that you can only see him in his route is unfair! X"D Oh well, I think Otori is Yamazaki's replacement since he died. Being the main guy in the series, I think I get enough headache to read too much and understand what his route is all about since there are just too much in his route. Hijikata is one of those popular geniuses in the school like the student council president or something. That what's his character all about. 

Also here, I realized what is Hakuoki all about! No, I didn't realized they told me about it in the game. It is the naming sense of Kazama. I mean it is the name Kazama gave to Hijikata in their last battle underneath the cherry blossoms. And yeah it means "Demon of Fleeting Blossom" because yeah Hijikata was no longer human (well, he's a fury) but Kazama acknowledge him as a demon. Anyways, in the end Hijikata, he and Chizuru lived together and almost all of his life span has been used to his last battle. Not dreamy at all. I think it was when he got injured when someone shot on them while riding a horse to go where Saito is. They just pretended that Hijikata died or maybe something like that. I don't know but I think his route was fairly all about the history and a little twist because Chizuru is in it. I don't know much what to say about him but he did look nice in western clothes =v=)d I will always be a fan girl til the end of time. Haha.

And what do you know!? There's also a route for Kazama haha! I somehow feel victorious for getting his route but it seems like he's a consolation prize if you fail to get in the route of any of the Shinsengumi pipz. Though he's really adorable. No, I'm serious he's adorable~! <3 <3 <3 We spent too much time wanting to have him killed but he's adorable ;A; He just became a historian and story teller in his route and yes, his route is too short! It's way too short so unfair when he's too adorable for words. Anyways, if you fail to get him in his route, you get the normal ending. Like in the end, you're just someone who got into the lives of these people and somehow nothing. Depressing. But just get in his Kazama's route. You'll love him for sure X'D

Anyways, all in all, even though I am disheartened with some details in the story, I could say it is pretty well written. No, I am not being sarcastic, I am not Okita so I am serious when I said it is well written. I also like the Ending song. The music fits the story, but I guess it fits too well, I think I am missing some comedy in my life when I played this game but it's fine. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sweet Fuse: At your side

I am finally moving on with a new review and I'm gonna start with the recent PSP games I just played these vacation. One of which is this one. Sweet Fuse at your side.
This is actually a master piece in my first game play, I even remembered DanganRonpa while playing this.
This game wherein you play as Saki, the niece of the developer of an amusement park where the whole story will take place. Inafune Saki, her first name can be change though but I recommend not changing it since some characters call you Saki in the game, like Shidou. I only played Wakasa, Shidou and Mikami's route. I was never interested in the others but I think I'm getting interested with the gamer so I might try going for Meoshi later.
The storyline is about 1 week in the amusement park with just guys around and you a highschool students surrounded by male adults. I think there is only 2 males in the story that you can consider minor, of which is Wakasa and Mikami. Anyways, you play through the pig's games to rescue the hostages if you fail, you will get blown up. It's up to your choices if you will succeed in the game and in love.
First things first, there 6 possible characters present from the first game through: Wakasa, Shidou, Meoshi, Shirabe, Urabe, and Mitarashi... and possibly one more.
Wakasa is pretty boy idol, Shidou, a young policeman, Meoshi, the gamer, Shirabe, the journalist, Urabe, the fortune teller, and Mitarashi an escort/host.

The first route I went into was Wakasa. He's an idol, a crybaby idol that is popular but not with Saki since she is not really a fan of idols. He keeps on whinning because he's scared at the beginning but as the story progress you can see him changing. He's actually quite cute in the end when you get with him. Though never really made him sing in the story, which disappointed me because I actually like his voice (haha).
Anyways, if you fail to go to anyone in the game you will end up with Wakasa, anyway but it's not really assuring since you won't really get anything from his route since details are kept in minimum in his route. But I really find him cute in the game though he annoys me in the game sometimes.

Next, is I went with Shidou's route since every friend of mine who sees Shidou says he's handsome, oh so cool but in the game he really looks like an adult to me and somehow a lolicon for liking Saki. He's also somehow too mature for Saki X'D
I don't know but I guess he's dependable and I kinda like when he's worried for Saki in the race. Also, he has shades, it's a plus factor for his looks but I don't want him to remove it ever X'D
Fetish for glasses oh me. But in his route you can go all the way til the game ends in comparison with Wakasa where you ran away from the game because you keep on escaping Hogstein. And you will see the confessions, and how did they rescue Urabe and some revelations of the characters and their relation to the case. Such as Wakasa as one of the survivor of the traffic accident before, Shidou's father as one of the police handled the case, Urabe's father as the mastermind, Mitarashi's mother saved Wakasa from the accident, Urabe writing down an article about the accident and still investigating it now, Meoshi as the sole witness but the route still doesn't make a conclusion why they are gathered so probably is not the time to think that I have done the game now.

Last, I played Mikami's route who I find somehow unappealing for an unlockable character. I actually expected a lot from him (haha I look forward to bishies but I gues he's not the one). Anyways, he's always in costume when I see him or he has a weird expression everytime you talk with him so somehow, I dun feel fangirling over him than I did with Wakasa X'D
Anyways, the story is made clear in his route so it is still worth playing but he seems to be a little too unreasonable and selfish for me though I respect him for the effort of setting up the game and investigating the incident 10 years ago. He's also the male kid who appears in your dreams (lol spoiler much). I am not satisfied with his route, when it ended I was like.."that's it? no aftermath?", so I think they let the players think of what will happen after  but still it's an otome game, give us dreams!

The game is good with the mystery thing. I learned a lot especially in the Wonderland part (hehe). I like that part and I just love the Jet Coaster theme song of the game. I love it. 5 stars for that.  There are routes like Meoshi since he keeps on blushing so maybe I am expecting I could let Saki end up with him rather than Shirabe with a daughter who calls Saki O

neechan and maybe mother in the end when she's just freaking a highschool student but I dun know what his route contains since I have yet to play it so I'll keep my mouth shut.

I actually like this game. I think male players can play this too. Since the art is not to shoujo-ish and it's mystery and action somehow so applicable. It's fun when Saki thinks or when she gets angry. I like her as the heroine X'D

Yummy Cupcake